Daytime glam, I’m not a massive fan of an over caked face full of foundation and really heavy makeup so daytime glam is just perfect for me.
I have found over the years with my weird skin condition TMEP that anything can kick it off, packaged food, additives, hair and makeup products, environment ie wind and of course stress so I end up with weird blisters and itchy skin. So I have to careful which makeup I used and to be honest Clinique is the one I aways go back to because I can use their eye shadows and lippys and they don’t make my skin itch and burn.
I love Cliniques pretty easy range and have an eye pallette in browns which I’ve been using for a while for my day time look. I recently added the beach pop Matt lippy ( cute color) and pretty easy liquid eyeliner pen in order to create my day time glam look.
All great products from Clinique go and take a look and let me know what you think. x
Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans (TMEP) is a rare type of mastocytosis that presents as multiple asymptomatic, flat, reddish-brown lesions on the skin. This skin disorder is caused by an increased number of mast cells entering the skin.

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